Curriculum Vitae


Alex Besse Donato

Computer Science undergraduate with high academic achievements in Python, Java, SQLi, Data Structures, Algorithms and Databases. Especially passionate about Machine Learning, AI and Computer Vision technologies. Aiming to gain experience in writing robust and efficient code while expanding my knowledge within the discipline. Having focused my academics in Computer Science, I am passionate in the discipline and am eager to continue to develop, and an Internship at Siemens would be the ideal next step in my formation.


BSc Honours Computer Science

2020 - 2022

University of Leicester, expected First Class Degree

Elected modules: Mathematics Fundamentals, Computing and Programming fundamentals, Computer Architecture, Object Oriented Programming, Algorithms Data Structures and Advanced Programming, Databases and Domain modelling, Software Architecture and System Development, OS and Networking.

International Baccalaureate Bilingual Diploma


Hockerill Anglo-European College

Higher level: Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics, Standard level: Economics, Spanish Literature and English



Skegness Grammar School

ranging from A* to B

Positions of importance

Head Academic Representative


of the Informatics department at University of Leicester

Head Academic Departmental Representatives are elected members of their current student cohort.

Responsible for receiving and collating student feedback relating to their academic department and working with year representatives and above course represetatives to ensure course runs smoothly and effectively, and the statistics are as optimal as possible

Technical Experience

Game Jams (Hackathons) Barcelona

2019 - Present

Barcelona, Spain

  • Maximum of 2nd place, in charge of the programming team but also involved in the engineering team
  • We coded videogames and projects in python and worked with a team of 6 programmers
  • Gained experience of how to work not only in a team, but also in a high-pressure scenario, within a very near deadline and with restricting instructions.

First Lego League Barcelona

2019 - 2020

Barcelona, Spain

  • 3rd place in the Spanish FLL
  • Gained experience of how to work for certain criteria and mold my projects in accordance with guidelines
  • Unlike my previous experience in Hackathons, I learnt how to work on an ongoing project. We worked on the project for several months in advance of the competition.